July 22, 2024

Mastery Quest: The Summer Olympics, Game Design

As the world gears up for the excitement and spirit of the Summer Olympics, we invite you to participate in this Game Design Mastery Quest!

Bletchley Institute


As the world gears up for the excitement and spirit of the Summer Olympics, we invite you to participate in this Mastery Quest! Your challenge is to create an original and engaging video game that captures the essence and spirit of Olympic sports.The goal is to practice our game design skills as a community, so even a simple game that features something interesting or leverages a new-to-you technology is worth sharing! We encourage you to share how you created it and share links to any related resources so others can learn and find inspiration from you. 

Whether you design a simulation game, a sports-based adventure, a puzzle challenge, or an interactive storytelling experience, your project should immerse players in the thrill and competition of the Summer Games.


  • Theme: Develop a video game that revolves around Olympic sports or themes.
  • Technology: Utilize game development tools and engines such as Unity, Unreal Engine, Godot, or any other suitable platform.
  • Creativity: Innovate with game mechanics, player interactions, visual style, and storytelling elements related to Olympic events.

Important Dates

  • Open for submission July 22, 2024
  • Entries close August 2, 2024
  • Winners announced August 8, 2024

How to Enter:

  1. Join the dedicated thread in the Bletchley Discord #contests channel: Gaming Quest: Dive into the Olympic Games 
  2. Leave a comment in the thread with the following:some text
    1. A gameplay video or screenshots
    2. Links to your game prototype or development repository
    3. A brief description (150-200 words) explaining your project's concept and how it embodies the Summer Olympics theme.
    4. Make sure to mention the technologies you used and any notable features or challenges you encountered during the development.

Judging Criteria:

  • Relevance: How well does your game capture the spirit and excitement of Olympic sports?
  • Creativity: How original and innovative are your game design and mechanics?
  • Functionality: Is your game prototype playable, bug-free, and enjoyable?
  • Design: Evaluate the visual aesthetics, user interface, and overall gameplay experience of your game.

Our Judge:

Peter Hargarten is an Interactive Technology Engineer at ONEIL and an independent game designer with over 5 years of experience in game design and web development. His favorite Olympic sport is swimming.


Need help or have questions about the quest? Jump into our Discord server and use the #contests thread that has been setup specifically for this quest: Gaming Quest: Dive into the Olympic Games 

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