September 11, 2024

Why You Should Consider Giving Tech Talks: Insights from Faris Aziz

Faris Aziz is a seasoned software engineer and Bletchley Mentor who also regularly gives presentations at conferences - here's his tips for getting on that stage, and why it's important to.

Bletchley Institute

Speaking at tech conferences or events can be an incredibly rewarding experience, both personally and professionally. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, giving a talk is an excellent way to share your knowledge, grow your network, and build your confidence. But why should you consider stepping onto that stage, and how do you get started? To shed some light on this, we recently sat down with Faris Aziz, a seasoned software engineer, conference speaker, and Bletchley Mentor, to hear about his journey and insights on the topic.

From Code to Conference Stage: Faris’s Journey

Faris Aziz’s path to becoming a conference speaker is both inspiring and relatable. He didn’t start his career with a microphone in hand; instead, his journey began in a very different setting. Before he became a software engineer, Faris was a CrossFit coach. At the age of 16, he was already commanding rooms filled with people twice his age, guiding them through fitness routines. This early experience taught him the value of clear communication and the importance of connecting with an audience—skills that would later serve him well in the tech world.

After transitioning into software engineering, Faris quickly realized that his ability to speak confidently and clearly was one of his strongest assets. When he began attending conferences, he saw an opportunity to combine his technical expertise with his communication skills. His first talk was at a React meetup in London, an opportunity he jumped at despite the challenges of traveling and preparing without much experience. Faris recalls his nervousness but also the incredible response he received, which encouraged him to continue speaking at more events.

Why Give a Tech Talk?

So, why should you consider giving a tech talk? According to Faris, there are several compelling reasons:

  1. Share Your Knowledge: One of the most rewarding aspects of giving a talk is the opportunity to share what you’ve learned with others. Whether it’s a new technology, a unique approach to problem-solving, or insights from your career, your experience can be incredibly valuable to others in the field.
  2. Build Your Network: Speaking at conferences and events puts you in the spotlight, attracting like-minded professionals who are interested in your topic. This can lead to new connections, collaborations, and even job opportunities.
  3. Enhance Your Career: Public speaking is a valuable skill in any profession. By giving talks, you demonstrate your expertise and commitment to continuous learning, which can make you stand out to employers and peers alike.
  4. Boost Your Confidence: The first talk might be the hardest, but with each presentation, your confidence grows. Faris emphasizes that it’s important to focus on connecting with your audience rather than trying to sound overly complex or sophisticated. Simplicity and relatability are key to a successful talk.

Getting Started: Tips for First-Time Speakers

If you’re new to giving talks and feeling unsure about where to start, Faris offers some practical advice:

  • Start Small: Look for local meetups or smaller conferences where you can get your feet wet. These environments are often more forgiving and provide a great platform to practice your skills.
  • Focus on Relatability: Don’t worry about sounding overly technical or smart. Instead, focus on making your content accessible and relatable. Faris points out that your goal should be to make your audience feel like they’re on the same level as you.
  • Embrace the Opportunity: When an opportunity to speak comes your way, seize it—even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. The more you practice, the better you’ll become.

Join Us for Signal Boost: The Art of Tech Talks

Inspired to start your journey into public speaking? Join us on September 17 at 5pm ET (2pm PT)  for Signal Boost: The Art of Tech Talks where Faris Aziz will be sharing more insights and practical tips on how to craft and deliver effective technical presentations. Whether you’re looking to start small or aiming for the big stage, this event will provide you with the tools and motivation you need to succeed.

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