Tech talks unveiled: Join us for real stories, expert advice, and a dash of fun.
September 17, 2024
5:00 pm

Signal Boost: The Art of Tech Talks

Tech talks unveiled: Join us for real stories, expert advice, and a dash of fun.

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Join us for an engaging discussion with Faris Aziz as he shares his experiences and advice on giving effective tech presentations. In this session, Faris will cover the essentials of preparing for your first tech talk, connecting with your audience, and making your presentation stand out. Whether you're new to speaking at conferences or looking to polish your skills, you'll gain valuable insights and practical tips to help you succeed. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from an experienced speaker and enhance your presentation skills!

Signal Boost is a weekly conversation on the Bletchley Institute Live Stream, where we get to know the faces and voices behind some of the most interesting things in tech. Tune in every Tuesday at 5pm ET (2pm PT)!

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